I’m pissed off with this shit and have had enough
Why FOMO is ruining your life

I am due to go on a group holiday in the UK this Friday, due to lockdown restrictions we cannot go. When this reality sank in it put me in a really bad mood.
This is unfair, lockdown sucks, life is shit.
Over lockdown my business has been destroyed, my finances are shot, my family can’t see or hold my baby son and I find myself getting increasingly pissed off at all of this.
This is unfair, lockdown sucks, life is shit.
Having a beer with a mate on Saturday he was telling me about a book he’s reading; having taken up yoga in lockdown his reading habits have shifted, becoming unrecognisable from before! One of the mantras in this book is accept what you’ve got and be happy with your lot.
This sparked a furious debate on Saturday; where do you draw the line and say I have enough?
Ask anyone who works or runs a company what they do it for and you’ll probably get some bullshit reason, even your best friends won’t provide the true reason straight up.
Our lives are surrounded by images of what everyone else is ‘doing’, Tim Denning made the point in a recent article that what we see of other people’s lives is only 1%of what is actually going on. Flip this into the traditional business metaphor and you have the iceberg; you can only see 10% and the rest is happening under the surface.
We find ourselves chasing other people’s dreams without even considering whether that is what we want or realising that 90% of their lives are not sunkissed cocktails fests. Worse still we don’t even pause to realise that often this is not what we want, we only think we do because social media ‘influences’ our perception of life.
If we rumble along reading shit on facebook and instagram we begin to become jealous of a life we don’t even want. We give ourselves FOMO and bad moods that impact the ones we love around us.
After Saturday’s conflab I sat back with a mild hangover and listed in my head all the things I have; a loving wife, a beautiful son and then I stopped. Fuck when you give things some context you realise how much of a dick you are worrying about stuff that really doesn’t matter.
If all the stuff on social media really does matter to you then either you’re a dick chasing someone else’s dreams or you have found a channel to inspire and motivate you.
If it’s the former then get over it, remember what you’ve got, create your own dreams and go chase them.
The later? Congratulations on finding something that inspires you to get out and do your thing.
I’ve found FOMO has caused bad decision and I am trying to make that a thing of the past by focussing on everything I’ve got and deciding what I want and what my loved ones want.